As a producer based in Las Vegas, Casey covered the tragic events of 1 October for a variety of outlets, both live and on tape. Here is a selection.
- RTÉ [Ireland], 2 October 2017
- Morning Edition, NPR, 2 October 2017
- The Takeaway, WNYC/PRI/WGBH, 2 October 2017
- Here and Now, NPR/WBUR
- The Briefing, Monocle 24, 2 October 2017
- Texas Standard, KUT, 2 October 2017
- The World at One, BBC Radio 4, 2 October 2017
- Radio Times, WHYY, 3 October 2017
- Canterbury Mornings, Newstalk ZB [New Zealand], 4 October 2017